PBC Moves Forward On Portage Park Senior Center

Jack Beary, 312-744-9277

A new senior satellite center will be built in the Portage Park neighborhood under a $1.3 million contract approved by the Public Building Commission of Chicago (PBC).

Under terms of a contract with Fredrickson/KRJ, approved Tuesday, October 1, by PBC Board members, a one-story facility will be built at 4100 North Long Avenue, officials said. The center will include a soup, salad and snack bar along with multipurpose meeting rooms and a library. Senior Satellite Centers provide seniors with places close to home where they may gather with friends, learn computer and other skills, exercise, have lunch and socialize.

The Portage Park center is one of 10 satellite centers to be built over the next few years under a $20 million program. The new satellite centers will supplement a network of Regional Senior Centers throughout the city, officials said.

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