Richardson Middle School (SW Area School)

6018 South Karlov Avenue

The Project consists of construction of a new 135,000 square foot, 1500 student, 3-story middle school. The school will include 48 classrooms, 3 special needs classrooms 3 breakout spaces, 4 science classrooms, 4 computer classrooms, 2 art classrooms, 1 music classroom, a dining center, a hybrid kitchen, gymnasium, library, and administrative suite. Building construction will be concrete and steel frame atop spread concrete footings and an exterior envelope consisting of cold formed steel studs and masonry veneer. Site improvements comprising of a new parking lot, storm water management improvements, new sidewalks, new vehicular drive, artificial athletic turf fields and a refuse / delivery.

LEED Features:
The new building and site will be designed and constructed to achieve a minimum LEED for Schools 2009 Certified rating as defined by the U.S. Green Building Council.

Social Media:

  • Follow this project on Twitter @PBCChi
  • More Pictures on Flickr
6018 South Karlov Avenue
Ward 13: West Lawn