PBC Announces Two Additional LEED Certified Buildings

PBC has Achieved LEED Certification on 12 Projects Since Mayor Emanuel Pledged to Double Number of Certified Buildings during His First Term.

Mimi Simon, Public Building Commission, (312) 744-9277

CHICAGO – The Public Building Commission of Chicago (PBC) today announced to its Board of Commissioners that two additional projects have achieved LEED certification from the United States Green Building Council (USGBC), Dunning Branch Library and the Richard J. Daley Center.

The Dunning Branch Library has achieved LEED Gold Certification under LEED NC (New Construction) and the Richard J. Daley Center has achieved LEED for Existing Buildings: Operation and Maintenance (EBOM) Silver Certification.

“The PBC continues to be a leader in green building with its promotion of both environmentally sustainable development and asset management practices,” said PBC Executive Director Erin Lavin Cabonargi.  “Since Chairman Emanuel announced his intent to double the number of publicly-owned LEED certified buildings within four years, the PBC has achieved LEED certification on an additional 12 projects, bringing the total up to 44 projects, with an additional 32 projects registered and pending certification.”

Projects built by the PBC are designed to achieve LEED Silver certification or better from the United States Green Building Council (USGBC). PBC environment sustainability program includes diversion of construction waste from landfills; utilization of recycled materials in construction; green and reflective roofs; enhanced natural light; high efficiency heating and cooling systems; low flow/low consumption water usage; responsible landscaping; and aggressive stormwater management.

The Public Building Commission of Chicago manages construction and renovation projects for the City of Chicago and its sister agencies. Mayor Rahm Emanuel serves as the PBC’s chairman. Erin Lavin Cabonargi serves as the Executive Director of the PBC.  Additional information about the PBC and its projects can be found at www.pbcchicago.com.  You can also follow the Public Building Commission of Chicago on Twitter: @PBCChi and on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/PublicBuildingCommissionofChicago

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