Millennium Park Work Moved Forward in 2002

Jack Beary, (312) 744-9277

Millennium Park moved forward in 2002 with the completion of construction and landscaping on 11 acres of the 24.6-acre site along the heart of Chicago’s lakefront, officials of the Public Building Commission of Chicago (PBC) said today.

During the fall, city officials and private supporters paid tribute to donors who have pledged and raised millions of dollars for the expanse of green space and cultural attractions at the city’s front door. A plaque commemorating some 75 donors who each have contributed $1 million was placed at Millennium Park’s Wrigley Square, near the unique Peristyle structure at the corner of Randolph Street and Michigan Avenue.

The Peristyle, completed earlier this year, is a nearly full-sized replica of a curving row of paired Greek columns that originally graced the northwest corner of Grant Park near Michigan and Randolph between 1917 and 1953. The earlier version was removed to make way for construction of the Grant Park North underground parking garage.

A gift from the William Wrigley Jr. Company, the new semi-circle of Doric-style columns stand nearly 40 feet tall, restoring a classical elegance to that section of Michigan Avenue while commemorating all of the Millennium Park donors in perpetuity, official said.

The park will feature a new Music Pavilion, designed by Frank Gehry, and a 100-ton reflective sculpture by artist Anish Kapoor. Both were due to be completed in 2004, officials said.