
Mayor Rahm Emanuel today announced that seven Chicago Public High Schools (CPS) will offer engineering opportunities with the support of six corporate partners beginning this school year 2015-2016 (SY15-16). These unique school-wide engineering partnerships will allow thousands of students access to curriculum and training that will develop skills relevant to engineering careers, preparing them for success in 21st century college and jobs.
“We are providing our students with the tools and resources necessary to succeed in a 21st century highly-specialized, technology-oriented economy,” said Mayor Emanuel. “These unique engineering partnerships between our high schools and the some of our leading engineering firms will help the City of Chicago continue to support our students in preparing for success in the jobs of the future.”
Each school partnership will be unique and will be tailored to the needs of each school community and partner. The corporate school partnerships include:
- Amundsen High School – Dyson
- Bowen High School -Siemens & Accurate Engineering
- Disney II High School – Dyson
- Hancock College Prep – Dyson
- Jones College Prep – Thornton Tomasetti
- King College Prep – HNTB
- Westinghouse College Prep -Paschen
All six corporate partners will be closely involved with both principals and CPS leadership in the development of engineering curriculum mapped to real, viable jobs, and informed by current and future industry standards. Students will focus on both hard and soft engineering skills needed to succeed in related fields, including technical and problem-solving skills that will increase preparedness for college success.
The creation of these partnerships will provide students access to work-based opportunities with professional engineers and will allow them hone the competitive advantage necessary to compete in a global, technology-driven economy, and to build the skillsets that will help them attain the jobs of the future.
Today’s announcement underscores the Mayor’s commitment to preparing the next generation for college and career demands of the 21st century by investing high quality schools throughout the City of Chicago.