The PBC is on Twitter and Facebook

PBC Alert 11-020 For ten years PBC Alerts has been serving the sub-contractor and supplier community with the first announcements about upcoming PBC contracts, requests for qualifications, outreach events and design opportunities. Thank you to the 4,800 current subscribers that have taken advantage of this free service. The PBC is pleased to announce that we are expanding the service. In addition to PBC Alerts the PBC is also on Facebook and Twitter.

  • “Follow” the PBC on Twitter to get reminders about pre-bid meetings, bid openings, addendums to proposals, postings of pay applications and community hiring sessions.
  • “Like” the PBC on Facebook to get event information, press releases and links to PBC related information.

Information regarding all of the projects currently open for bid is available at Public Building Commission of Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Chairman Erin Lavin Cabonargi, Executive Director