PBC Alert 12-010 The Public Building Commission of Chicago today has issued an advertisement for firms to submit proposals for Playground Equipment, contract PS1921. A copy of the RFP including the submittal forms can be found at: https://pbcchicago.com/content/working/opening_display.asp?BID_ID=413 A Pre-Submittal Meeting will be held Monday, June 11, 2012 at 1:00 p.m. 2nd Floor, Boardroom of the Richard J. Daley Center, 50 West Washington. After the Pre-Submittal Meeting, a list of firms attending the pre-bid meeting will be added to the Web site ad. Sealed proposals shall be received at the Public Building Commission, Richard J. Daley Center, 50 West Washington, Room 200, until 10:00 a.m. Monday, June 18, 2012. Information regarding this RFP and all of the projects currently open for bid is available at www.pbcchicago.com Public Building Commission of Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Chairman Erin Lavin Cabonargi, Executive Director Follow this RFP on Twitter @PBCChi #Playground Report suspicion of corruption, fraud, misconduct by officials, employees, or those doing business with the PBC. Compliance Hotline: 888-686-8383 or www.pbc.alertline.com