PBC Alert 17-003
The Public Building Commission is seeking a qualified Design-Build entity to provide design and construction services for the City Colleges of Chicago, Richard J. Daley College (Daley College) Advanced Manufacturing Center (AMC) herein referred to as the Project.
The PBC will award a design-build contract for the Project in accordance with the requirements of Sections 20.3 through 20.20 of the Public Building Commission Act (50 ILCS 20/et seq.). Per the Act, this will be a two-phase procurement process. This two-phase process will evaluate design-build entities based on qualifications, technical approach, and cost proposals for the following design-build project:
PBC Project No. 03710
Daley College Advanced Manufacturing Center
7500 S. Pulaski, Chicago, IL
The Project is to design and construct a (+/-) 50,000 gross square foot facility, approximately 1-2 stories in height including high bay manufacturing lab space, other educational/office spaces to support Daley College’s advanced manufacturing programs, and a pedestrian bridge.
The Project Budget for Design / Build Services is estimated to be approximately $34,000,000-$39,000,000.
A Pre-Submission Conference will be held on February 7, 2017 at 10:00am at the following location:
Richard J. Daley College
Main Building Auditorium – Room 1307
1st Floor South-East Side
7500 S. Pulaski Rd.
Chicago, IL 60652
(Parking available in the student parking lot on the south side of the school; enter on 76th Street)
Firms interested in submitting responses are strongly encouraged to attend.
Submissions must be delivered by February 23, 2017 at 11:00AM (CST) to the attention of Raven A. DeVaughn, Public Building Commission of Chicago, Richard J. Daley Center, 50 West Washington Street, Room 200, Chicago, IL 60602.
All information regarding the Project and the RFP submission requirements, evaluation criteria and selection process, and addendums will be posted on the PBC’s website at:
and published as required by the Act.
Follow this project on Twitter @PBCChi #DaleyAMC
Office of Inspector General Complaint Hotline
If you see corruption, fraud, waste, or dishonest practices of any kind please report it to the City of Chicago Office of Inspector General (OIG) – PBC’s oversight body. Concerned employees, contractors, consultants, and members of the public may contact OIG via its independent hotline and website.
Telephone Reporting: (866) IG-TIPLINE (866-448-4754).
Web Reporting: http://ChicagoInspectorGeneral.org/get-Involved