PBC Alert 13-018 The Public Building Commission of Chicago supports the requirements of the Open Meetings Act (5ILCS 120/1) which affords the public an opportunity to address public officials. Starting with the June 11, 2013 PBC Board Meeting the public comment session will commence at the start of the open meeting, immediately following the roll call. This change is being made to provide the public with the opportunity to address the board members prior to the voting on specific agenda items. The public can register to speak on line at: https://pbcchicago.com/content/about/public_comments.asp You can register to speak up to two hours prior to the meeting. The request must set out clearly the nature of the subject matter to be presented and must relate to matters within the authority of the Board of Commissioners or its Committees. Information regarding all PBC projects is available at www.pbcchicago.com Public Building Commission of Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Chairman Erin Lavin Cabonargi, Executive Director Follow the PBC on Twitter @PBCChi Report suspicion of corruption, fraud, misconduct by officials, employees, or those doing business with the PBC. Compliance Hotline: 888-686-8383 or www.pbc.alertline.com