PBC Alert 12-003 The Public Building Commission of Chicago (“PBC”) intends to issue (on or about March 16, 2012) a Request for Proposal (“RFP”) pursuant to the requirements of the Public Building Commission Act (50 ILCS 20 et seq.) (the “Act”) The Commission will use a two-phase procedure for the selection of the successful design-build entity. Phase I of the procedure will evaluate and shortlist the design-build entities based on qualifications, and Phase II will evaluate the technical and costs proposals for the following design-build project: PBC Project No. 11170 Ping Tom Memorial Park Fieldhouse 217 W. 18th Street (18th and Wentworth), Chicago, IL The Project is a new Fieldhouse at Ping Tom Memorial Park to be designed and constructed in general accordance with the Chicago Park District Standard Prototype Fieldhouse Design and will include a swimming pool and support spaces. The total building area is anticipated to be approximately 28,000 GSF including a 7,000 SF gymnasium and 7,000 SF natatorium. The Project Budget for Design / Build Services is estimated to be $13,000,000. Project goals are to provide environments that are safe, stimulating and maintainable with appropriate architectural design and standards. The PBC and the Chicago Park District will require quality construction that is durable, cost effective, beautiful and environmentally sustainable. The design shall be sensitive to the surrounding neighborhood contexts and will be reviewed under Chicago Park District Building Standards. The building shall achieve minimum USGBC LEED Silver rating for building and site development. All information regarding the Project and the RFP submittal requirements, evaluation criteria and selection process will be posted on the PBC’s website at www.pbcchicago.com and published as required by the Act. Send all questions to Janice Meeks: via email (bids@pbcchicago.com) Public Building Commission of Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Chairman Erin Lavin Cabonargi, Executive Director