IFB – Ernst Prussing Elementary School Annex (C1587)

PBC Alert 17-025

The Public Building Commission of Chicago (PBC) has invited all Class A prequalified firms to bid on PBC Contract C1587 for the construction of a new approximately 23,000 sq. ft. primarily one-story annex to an existing two-story school and demolition of the existing two (2) and four (4) modular classroom units. The proposed annex will include (2) general classrooms, (1) computer classroom with storage, (1) science classroom with storage, (1) art room with storage, (1) music room with storage, a new dining room, hybrid kitchen and kitchen servery, (1) administration office, toilets, and an elevator. A small second story will house mechanical and electrical rooms, as well as an MDF room. The Project will also include a replacement parking lot, loading area, refuse enclosure, stormwater management infrastructure and a new turf field. Work within the existing building will include conversion of the existing dining room and kitchen into (2) kindergarten classrooms. In addition, structural repair work including the removal of dever beams, masonry repairs and roof replacement will occur.

The project page containing additional information can be viewed here:  https://pbcchicago.com/opportunities/ernst-prussing-elementary-school-annex/

On Wednesday, November 1, 2017, in the Ernst Prussing Elementary School Library, the Commission will host a Pre-Bid Meeting at 10:00 am, Mandatory Technical Review Meeting at 10:30 am, and Mandatory Site Visit (walk-through of the facility) at 11:00 am. The Technical Review Meeting and Site Visit are mandatory for all prequalified firms interested in submitting a bid for this Project.

All activities mentioned above are to occur at the school, located at 4650 North Menard Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60630. Parking in school’s parking lot is prohibited. Street parking is available. Please enter through Main Entrance on Menard Avenue. All Mandatory Technical Review Meeting and Site Visit attendees must wear safety vests.

Subcontractors and suppliers are invited to attend the Pre-Bid Meeting and stay for the following activities to meet the prequalified contractors bidding on this Project. The sign-in sheets for the above-mentioned meetings will be posted to the PBC’s website.

Sealed bids shall be received at the Public Building Commission, Richard J. Daley Center, 50 West Washington, Room 200, until 11:00 a.m., Tuesday, December 5, 2017, at which time they will be publicly opened.

Plans and specifications for the above-referenced project may be found here: bhfxplanroom.com

The list of Assist Agencies who will have access to complete sets of drawings and specifications can be found here:  Assist Agencies


Information on this invitation and all of the projects currently open for bid is available at pbcchicago.com.

Public Building Commission of Chicago
Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Chairman
Carina E. Sánchez, Executive Director

Follow this project on Twitter PBCChi #PrussingAnnex