Constructive News You Can Use: Q2 2019

The projects the PBC manages embody our commitment to our clients and the communities we serve. The PBC is about people—their lives, their families and their work. The staff of the PBC is dedicated to upholding our mission through the construction of public facilities that support business growth, lead to job creation, and present ongoing opportunities for recreation, education and public service.
This issue of Constructive News You Can Use features groundbreaking events at Hancock College Prep and Engine Company 115; ribbon-cutting ceremonies at elementary schools across the city; a summary of the PBC’s accomplishments under Mayor Emanuel and great news about two recent projects. In addition, we highlight the work of Bowa Construction, an MBE firm serving on three current projects.
I hope the news that we share in this newsletter illustrates our excellent stewardship of the public fund and demonstrates how we are creating quality spaces that every Chicagoan can enjoy.
Carina E. Sánchez
PBC Executive Director