Building A Better Chicago Open House

PBC Alert 07-020 The Public Building Commission is inviting contractors and subcontractors to an open house. Building a Better Chicago will be held Friday, December 14th, 10 am to 2 pm at New Kennedy-King College Campus, U-Building, 740 West 63rd Street. A copy of the invitation can be found at: Building a Better Chicago will feature information on how the PBC is changing; upcoming PBC opportunities; Job Order Contract (JOC); PBC Procurement; the Modern Schools Across Chicago Program and linking subcontractors with prime contractors Tabletop presentations from: City of Chicago; City Colleges of Chicago; City Treasurer; The Gordian Group and Chicago Park District. The open house is free with abundant parking, prizes and refreshments. RSVP by email at: Information on this event and all of the projects currently open for bid is available at You have received this e-mail because you have subscribed to PBC Alerts. If you do not wish to receive such alerts, you may unsubscribe at Public Building Commission of Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley, Chairman Montel M. Gayles, Executive Director